Project 2

PROYECTO SP2: Integración de herramientas agronómicas y tecnológicas en la detección y manejo de malas hierbas (AGROSTEMMA)

The development of new technologies, such as remote sensing or expert decision support systems (DSS), are fundamental for the digitalization of integrated weed management. Their implementation for several crops, different weed species, new invasive/emergent species or herbicide resistant cases, as well as for incorporating new weed control methods, are crucial in decision making regarding alternative management strategies or the proper timing. In this respect, two opportunities arise:

  • To add new information, along with the already available, to the expert DSS IPMwise for the crop maize, or adapt it to a new one, vineyards.
  • Develop new remote sensing tools for weeds in these two cropping systems.

These two opportunities establish the main objectives of the current research project to address, in both crops:

  • New herbicide resistant cases
  • Widen their weed spectra to new invasive/threating species in maize (Amaranthus palmeri) and to the main weeds present in vineyardAmaranthus palmeri) y a a las principales especies en viña
  • Weed remote sensing using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
  • Include efficacy data of non-chemical weed control strategies.